Monday, October 22, 2007

Where is Baby Beck?

I am so ready for him to come out. First, I thought I was going to have him on the 15th of October because he was breech. I was scheduled for a c-section then that morning after no food or liquid for hours I go into get an ultra sound to make sure he was still breech and he had flipped. Yes, it is a good thing but I was ready for him. I had the house cleaned, babysitters arranged, Nate had school and work taken care, meals were planned. Needless to say I am now a day passed my due date, but it feels like forever. I am only dialated to a 2! Now I will be enduced on Sunday if he hasn't come naturally by then. Am I ever going to get to see my baby!


the DeCampos Family said...

So I just so happen to actually click on your name and WHALA you have a new post. It's about time. I was just wondering if that little stinker came yet. Just enjoy the peace and quiet for a couple more days. Let me know when he makes his appearance, if he ever decides to come!!! Let me know if you need anything, hang in there. Kenz was 5 days late so I hear ya!!!

Katie Peterson said...

Oh yeah new post!! Sorry we harass, we just love you so much & want to know what is going on!

Hang in there girly!! I am so sorry you had to fast, that is soo hard ecspecially being prego. I will be thinking of you, hopefully Beck comes sooner than later!

Melis said...

We'll be thinking of you guys! Hope that lil' one comes soon! Lots o' love!

Linds said...

Glad to see your back after the 3 month or so hiatus! Can't wait to see this new little Beck when he finally comes. Love you guys!

Steph said...

Oh my heck!! New Post!! Amazing!! I am laughing that you STILL haven't had your baby- sorry it sucks but he will come when its his time. Trust me I tried everything, walking, lunges, castro oil!! Gag!! Nothing worked until it was his time.. said...

I like the question mark in the title!! Don't you hate getting your hopes up? Good luck with baby Beck! We'll have to play again soon!

p.s. I have that orange shirt your wearing in the fam pic but it looks SO much cuter on your prego belly!


natalie and jeremy belnap said...

Oh, I am so sorry. I feel for ya... make sure you post pictures... or else!!!

the DeCampos Family said...

Lets see picts of him. Josh said he is really cute!!